We had another first this weekend, although not a good one! I got sick this week and on saturday night i was having trouble breathing so i had my first trip to the emergancy room, NOT FUN. Even though i was sick i was still all smiles and dad made me a hand ballon that i loved! The doctors said i was ok and it was just a virus thank goodness. well here are a few pictures of me there and a few of me getting ready for the holidays, yeah thats a turkey im sitting on. well its getting late and a baby needs his sleep so ill talk to you all soon.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Another first
We had another first this weekend, although not a good one! I got sick this week and on saturday night i was having trouble breathing so i had my first trip to the emergancy room, NOT FUN. Even though i was sick i was still all smiles and dad made me a hand ballon that i loved! The doctors said i was ok and it was just a virus thank goodness. well here are a few pictures of me there and a few of me getting ready for the holidays, yeah thats a turkey im sitting on. well its getting late and a baby needs his sleep so ill talk to you all soon.
A busy few weeks
Last weekend we went to my little cuz's 1st birthday party, it was a ton of fun!! I got to play with paint for the first time. (sorry there are no pics of that but niether mom and dad had a free hand to take one if you know what i mean) Here are a few pics of me and him having a blast HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Halloween ROCKS!!!
We have some breaking news in the Baer house hold this week, I used the potty for the first time!!!!! Im sorry for the offencive pics but im just so proud i wanted to show the world!!!!! Oh and when I.... well you know, my potty sings a song it goes like this,
Im so big, look at me I can use my own potty,
and it makes me feel so very very proud,
when everybody cheers out loud!!!!
Pretty cool huh? And the best part, when I go on the potty I get candy (as you can see)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
So, i know its been a while and im sorry, but between playdates, story times, walks to the park, rock band lessons and daily naps who has time for blogging? Well today i made some time cause i miss you all!!! so here are some pics of me doing what I do best winning hearts, running from the police, and just being cute that last one is my rockstar picture, just a lonley star waling into the sun rise. well it was nice haning out with you guys again and ill make sure i dont wait as long to post again. Love to all Ninja Chase
Thursday, July 10, 2008
helping out
I still spend most of my time sleeping, eating, pooping or playing, but now that im older I try to help out with the chores when im not busy. I do stuff like walk the dog, take out the trash, fix things that mom breaks (vacumes) i also enjoy working in the garden and playing the piano. hope you like the pics see you all soon!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
hello world, wow so iv been doing alot of growing latley!!! I can say dada, dog, uh oh, hot, hat and night night. I know alot more words than that but i cant seem to get them out just yet. Oh yeah im staying with grandma and grampa for the whole week next week, im so excited!!! mommy and daddy are taking a cruz to mexico, i think they deserve some time off but mom wont stop kissing me and telling me how much she is gonna miss me, and im like come on mom its only 10 days, anyway id better get back to packing for my big trip to g-ma and g-pas see you all later. oh yeah the pictures, me and mom took both grandmas to the warf for mothers day and just some more of me being me love ya lots
Friday, March 7, 2008
well sorry i havent been able to stop by for a while but we just got done moving into our new house, and there is alot going on, i just wanted to show you all some pics of what iv been up to, nothing super exciting, just some every day shots that the paparazzi took (mom) miss you all love ninja chase
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
It's my birthday and ill cry if a want to!!!
i had my first birthday party the other day, and every one had fun (but me). there were to many people there and i was scared but there were some things i did like, the cake and boolons oh and i got a book that lets you feel the aniimals, its my fav i still haavent put it down. well thankss every one for ccoming to myy birthday parrty,, lovee you all and hope to see you soon. (sorry ffor the double letters, i keep telling dadd to buy a new kkeybboard)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hello world im growing up fast
well alots going on right now, im walking alot, i find it easier than crawling. Besides crawling is for babies and seeing how ill be one in a few weeks i figured i better start acting my age. speeking of turning one, you all should have recived your invits to my first birthday party by now, and i cant wait to see you there, its going to be so much fun, and mom made i movie of me that i just know you all will love. see you all soon love ninja chase
Friday, January 25, 2008
were moving
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
We went to the park
we went to the park to feed the ducks!!! it was so much fun i saw white ducks and black ducks i even saw a duck with an afro (he was my favorite) we brought raisin muffins to feed them with, mom and dad broke theres up and tossed them in the water but i ate mine, it tasted to good to give it to those ducks!!!
love ninja chase
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